Saturday, March 6, 2010

Well Thought Out Twinkles

Dear Muse,

I just wanted to let you know that you ROCKED my face off last night. And since you decided to play Map of Problematique 4 songs in, I just got to enjoy every part of your show and not wonder whether or not you would play it. And was there a song you didn't sing? Your laser lights show stood up to EVERY ounce of pump up. United States of Eurasia was SICK. As was Stockholm Syndrome along with Hysteria. Who doesn't love Knights of Cydonia? I REALLY enjoyed Starlight. Let's not forget Super Massive Black Hole. And you even threw in Undisclosed Desires? This show is going down as a fav. Unnatural Selection caught me by surprise. (Real Set List)

In short, my lil bro and I's next two concert stint is Muse. And we're doing front row pit. Because throughout the entire show, I couldn't stop thinking "These guys are RIDICULOUS!"

Update: Someone posted a GREAT version of Map Of Problematique. The first time I heard this song, I knew it would be AMAZING LIVE. And IT WAS.

So, someone has a pretty stellar recording of Knights of Cydonia:

Dear Silversun Pickups:

You didn't let down either. I'm DYING to see you in a smaller venue with your crowd. I vote the Hammerstein. So come back. WAY TO HIT the good songs!! Growing Old is Getting Old, The Royal We, Well Thought Out Twinkles, Sort Of (!!!!), There's No Secrets this year (better make sure, better make sure you're looking closely, before you fall into your swoon........), and of COURSE my 2009 SONG OF THE YEAR. Panic Switch.

Both of you come back to NYC soon.


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