Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sick Muse

Would this be my blog if I didn't post the new Eclipse trailer?

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse in HD

Trailer Park Movies | MySpace Video

My Saturday morning observations:
Dear Summit, If this the final trailer, why is it only 2 minutes long? You gave us nearly 4 minutes before New Moon. Please don't mess up this movie, it's my favorite book. Love, jp

-The Silversun Pickups read my blog, and I just got tix to see them play on the Brooklyn Waterfront.

-Next week is THE WEEK. The HANSON week. No words can contain my excitement. After 13 years of being a 100% full fledged fan, I get to see them play 3 times. And I could finally meet them (Meet and Greet Line @ Bamboozle!!!). What would I even say? What I usually say. I'd smile really dumbly and stumble over all my words. And then they'd look at me funny. Any suggestions?

-Bamboozle. Next Saturday and Sunday. Bring it.

-Its almost May.

-I need some Augustana. So they should do just as the Silversun Pickups did and come play NYC!!!

Happy last weekend of April!

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