This post is dedicated to one of my favorite people in this world. He shall remain nameless because I choose, but we'll call him Bob :) The majority of this post will be quotes, so follow along. If you don't speak Twilight, this post may not be for you. But it will explain the recent facebook album with questionable pictures of Edward the Vampire.
It all started in started sometime in August. Me:"Bob, guess what's coming out on my birthday!!!!" Bob:"What" Me: "Twilight!!!" Bob"OK, I"ll come see it with you on your birthday."
Some time in September me: "Bob, I'm too old to go buy a Twilight movie poster, will you pick one up for me at Hot Topic" "Bob: Yeah Sure."
November: Bob (not very excited, after being forced to say it) : I'm so excited to see twilight. Me: GOOD!!!
November 21: Bob: Well, that was a pretty good movie.
November 23: Me: Bob, did you see my copy of New Moon? I can't find it!! I swear it just got up and walked off my shelf. Bob: Nope, I haven't seen it
Thanksgiving: Bob: You didn't go buy a new copy of New Moon. Me: Yes, I'm collecting all 3 sets, hard, soft, and movie cover! Bob: Um, Jen, It's right here. (Pulls it out of his bookbag, like 3 pages in to it)
A few days later: (Random Text from Bob) : You're making me question manhood.
4 Hours after text: Jacob is a LOOSER!!
A day or two after that: Jenny!! I just got you the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!!!
Christmas Eve: Me: Bob, where are my books? Bob: I gave them to my girlfriend. Me: What?!
Christmas day: Bob: You're going on a scavenger hunt. Your first present. (A copy of twilight) so followed the clues through out the house. Ended up upstairs......with a life size cardboard cut out of Edward the Vampire. I laughed really hard. Followed by a photo session with Kristi, Edward and Me (Of all the pictures you see, tehre are about 100 others where I can't stop laughing)
Moral of the story: This present will probably go down in the history books. And a 6 foot tall cardboard cut out of Robert Pattinson posing as a vampire in REALLY scary. So strategically placing him around the house in dark rooms to scare the living daylights out of people can make for some great laughing. But I don't think I laughed harder all break than when I heard my mom scream because she walked into her dark bedroom and Edward was there to greet her.
HA! Okay, that is hilarious. I want one.
Hmmmm.... wonder who "Bob" could be???? ;)
PS- I was so expecting my humping comment to show up when you posted on my facebook wall :D
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