Friday, November 30, 2007
JP's Peptalk for Missouri
Alright boys, everyone's not giving you any credit and believes you're going to loose to Oklahoma. I have one thing to say about it. It was 2003 and the "best college football team ever" was playing another big 12 team. You can do it!!! MIZ ZOU!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Musings on Life from a new New Yorker
DISCLAMER: This blog is my personal blog. It is written so you know what I'm up to in good ol' NYC and to make you laugh (most of the time). It's also a side of me most people don't get to the side where I talk (c; So feel special you're reading it. That being said, if you want to know why I wrote this, give me a call and I'll tell you b/c it's a pretty funny story!

Well. I have a few things to say. First off, we'll start with all the live super cool things on tv in new york city you've always wanted to go to. Just so you know, the majority of the time, the look exactly like the picture to the left. Uh huh, with all the tourists you'll never see a thing. So you should just be content watching it on TV!!! Even though you could throw a rock and hit Nick Lachey around the corner, b/c you'll never see him!!! But even weirder is I met up with my friend Nadja and she brought the new French marketing intern w/ her. Well, she's from Amiens, which is AWESOME because that's where I studied abroad! Well, we all bailed and I ended up missing the tree lighting on TV. Woops....but Gossip Girls was worth it!!
OK, so, my dear friend SEO sent me a birthday present. In this present, she included the Plain White T's CD I'd asked for b/c I saw FOB and the Plain White T's like 2 days before I saw her. So today at work, I gave it a good listen while I was surfing some innovation blogs (tons of fun, let me tell you). From the minute it started getting overplayed, I hated "hey there delilah". Well, I listened to the whole cd, and that song was last. And...
Dear Delilah:
So I hated your song from the moment it started playing on the radio. I wouldn't even listen to it. I HATED IT. And then I moved to New York City. And started working near 42nd Street. And while surfing through the interent for Innovation blogs (which are no were near as quirky as mine) the song came on.
So, did you marry this man? He's paying the bills with his GUITAR now!!! Ok, and the part that would have officially sold me was "Times Square couldn't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true." Sold. I would have married him then. Times Square is BRIGHT!! And let's face it, who wouldn't basically just melt. And then I'm assuming that "Write you a song" is for you too. BTW, the Plain White T's rock. I'm sold. I'm a fan now. Enjoy your boy with his guitar and make him sing that song to you. A lot!
Love, Jenny
PS. Way better than "Marching bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab.
Plain White T's. Awesome. Who said rock was dead?! They're not counting my taste in music.
Next! Guess what! It's COLD in NEW YORK! And I LOVE IT! And decorated for Christmas. I love it. This city rocks. Which MEANS....I can really drink my tea now. I have a new love for a drink. Since my no so much friends at the Coca Cola factroy don't even produce cherry coke zero and sell it in New York City, Vanilla tea. It's awesome. Yum.....drink some it's good.
So the past few days, I've been in an inexplicabily good mood. Who knows why? It might have something to do with the rockin' book I got. It's called Twilight. And it's about vampires. Good good stuff. And I don't even know their vampires yet!! So I get on the train, sit and read. 20 minutes seems like 2. And then I have to change stations and get 5 more minutes waiting. And then I ahve to wait all day to get on the train and read again. I love reading good books. I figure I'm making up for my four years of not reading anything b/c I was too busy procrastinating reading text books!
Yes. This blog was a lot funnier as I was writing it at work. Anyways. Have a good weekend. And GO K STATE!! Beat Oregon (sorry Zoe)!! And watch us play Notre Dame next week b/c I have court side seats......(c; Like I'm in row A on the floor!!
Well. I have a few things to say. First off, we'll start with all the live super cool things on tv in new york city you've always wanted to go to. Just so you know, the majority of the time, the look exactly like the picture to the left. Uh huh, with all the tourists you'll never see a thing. So you should just be content watching it on TV!!! Even though you could throw a rock and hit Nick Lachey around the corner, b/c you'll never see him!!! But even weirder is I met up with my friend Nadja and she brought the new French marketing intern w/ her. Well, she's from Amiens, which is AWESOME because that's where I studied abroad! Well, we all bailed and I ended up missing the tree lighting on TV. Woops....but Gossip Girls was worth it!!
OK, so, my dear friend SEO sent me a birthday present. In this present, she included the Plain White T's CD I'd asked for b/c I saw FOB and the Plain White T's like 2 days before I saw her. So today at work, I gave it a good listen while I was surfing some innovation blogs (tons of fun, let me tell you). From the minute it started getting overplayed, I hated "hey there delilah". Well, I listened to the whole cd, and that song was last. And...
Dear Delilah:
So I hated your song from the moment it started playing on the radio. I wouldn't even listen to it. I HATED IT. And then I moved to New York City. And started working near 42nd Street. And while surfing through the interent for Innovation blogs (which are no were near as quirky as mine) the song came on.
So, did you marry this man? He's paying the bills with his GUITAR now!!! Ok, and the part that would have officially sold me was "Times Square couldn't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true." Sold. I would have married him then. Times Square is BRIGHT!! And let's face it, who wouldn't basically just melt. And then I'm assuming that "Write you a song" is for you too. BTW, the Plain White T's rock. I'm sold. I'm a fan now. Enjoy your boy with his guitar and make him sing that song to you. A lot!
Love, Jenny
PS. Way better than "Marching bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab.
Plain White T's. Awesome. Who said rock was dead?! They're not counting my taste in music.
Next! Guess what! It's COLD in NEW YORK! And I LOVE IT! And decorated for Christmas. I love it. This city rocks. Which MEANS....I can really drink my tea now. I have a new love for a drink. Since my no so much friends at the Coca Cola factroy don't even produce cherry coke zero and sell it in New York City, Vanilla tea. It's awesome. Yum.....drink some it's good.
So the past few days, I've been in an inexplicabily good mood. Who knows why? It might have something to do with the rockin' book I got. It's called Twilight. And it's about vampires. Good good stuff. And I don't even know their vampires yet!! So I get on the train, sit and read. 20 minutes seems like 2. And then I have to change stations and get 5 more minutes waiting. And then I ahve to wait all day to get on the train and read again. I love reading good books. I figure I'm making up for my four years of not reading anything b/c I was too busy procrastinating reading text books!
Yes. This blog was a lot funnier as I was writing it at work. Anyways. Have a good weekend. And GO K STATE!! Beat Oregon (sorry Zoe)!! And watch us play Notre Dame next week b/c I have court side seats......(c; Like I'm in row A on the floor!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Few more things.....
I forgot to write.
So it's officially after Thanksgiving...why is this so cool? Because as I was decorating my Christmas tree.......I remembered I could listen to my FAVORITE Christmas CD. And for the first year in like three, Jackie doesn't have to email the songs to me!!!'s Snowed In by Hanson!!!!! And more news on the Hanson front today......Zac's having a baby!! Boy these hanson boys can knock out the kids....I believe it's like their 6th among the three of them.
And once I finally fulfill my life dream of running into them on the New York metro, I believe I'll finally be able to quit claiming them as one of my favorite bands. However, if they keep running off to Africa how am I suppose to run into them on the metro?!?!
So it's officially after Thanksgiving...why is this so cool? Because as I was decorating my Christmas tree.......I remembered I could listen to my FAVORITE Christmas CD. And for the first year in like three, Jackie doesn't have to email the songs to me!!!'s Snowed In by Hanson!!!!! And more news on the Hanson front today......Zac's having a baby!! Boy these hanson boys can knock out the kids....I believe it's like their 6th among the three of them.
And once I finally fulfill my life dream of running into them on the New York metro, I believe I'll finally be able to quit claiming them as one of my favorite bands. However, if they keep running off to Africa how am I suppose to run into them on the metro?!?!
Hello hello what's your name?
and on to the post.
So a few things. First off, I'd like to announce to the world that for the first time EVER I ate a whole orange. And what do I have to say about it? They're messy.
I turned 24 last week. I have a few things to do before I'm 25. I better start doing those things now so they can be accomplished.
K State Football, you've gotten so bad that I didn't even watch your game Friday. And I'm dedicated. Jordy, you're still my hero.
Last week was also Thanksgiving. So in no order I'm thankful for: my job, being 2 hours away from my family, my insurance that is coming on Saturday, Fall Out Boy (they were there for me this summer.....), my car getting hurt and not me when I hit animals, the fact that I'm in New York freakin' City, and my new roommate.
So on my list tonight is: Heroes, decorating my Christmas tree, and making dinner.
and on to the post.
So a few things. First off, I'd like to announce to the world that for the first time EVER I ate a whole orange. And what do I have to say about it? They're messy.
I turned 24 last week. I have a few things to do before I'm 25. I better start doing those things now so they can be accomplished.
K State Football, you've gotten so bad that I didn't even watch your game Friday. And I'm dedicated. Jordy, you're still my hero.
Last week was also Thanksgiving. So in no order I'm thankful for: my job, being 2 hours away from my family, my insurance that is coming on Saturday, Fall Out Boy (they were there for me this summer.....), my car getting hurt and not me when I hit animals, the fact that I'm in New York freakin' City, and my new roommate.
So on my list tonight is: Heroes, decorating my Christmas tree, and making dinner.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Officially a really long post
Well, sit back and relax because I have a lot to type. Feel free to come back and read it in parts.
OK! Well, this starts off with my wake up this morning. I turned on the radio to get out of bed. I've recently switched from KRock (shocking, I know) to Fresh. That may have been because there were dirty lady commercials coming on K Rock at 2 am, and music on Fresh, but who knows.....OK, well, a very memorable song came on. (nantes girls this is for you) The one, the only, "Please Forgive Me." The immediate picture I got in my head was the lovely dance parties in Mattieu's room and Lou. And then that the song was not as dramatic as I had remembered. Which I love b/c Lou made it a great song to listen to! Anyways, that made me think of my blog I wrote very late last night and another common Nantes thing popped into my head. Translation!!! Translation!!
So, translation, for what, you ask? My previous post. I can check off a life accomplishment off my list. What would that be? A concert in Madison Square Garden. My roommate, Megan, and I went to see Cute is What We Aim For, Plain White T's, Gym Class Heroes, and my personal favorite reason for going to the show.....Fall Out Boy!!
So side note, the all time greatest song title EVER written.....also one of my fav FOB songs....
I Slept With Someone From Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
OK, so its a great, long and pointless title that has nothing to do with the song. And a GREAT song!! "I found the cure for growing older/and you're the only place that feels like home/just so you know you'll never know/some secrets weren't meant to be told/I found the cure to growing older." Ah....I LOVE IT!! And they PLAYED IT!! Along with XO, and of course, Thanks for the Memories and Dance Dance. By the end of these two songs I had no voice and I'm sure the really cute guy around my age behind me was hurting my dancing was so bad. Oh, and earlier i the set....Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner acoustic....ahhhh.......
Then we chilled, took some photos at the garden and came home and watched Gossip Girl. I love this show by the way!! PS, I was gossip girl for Halloween.
OK, another topic. In case you didn't know, my mom rocks. She was always the only mom I ever knew that would buy me clothes, and they were the ones I would have picked out on my own. And now we finally got text capabilities on our phone (i know, we're late adapters) and she's been sending me "good morning" texts the past two mornings, which was awesome. Especially since I haven't been getting to bed before 2:00 and my neighbor plays piano at 7am.
Stellar week, and I'm going to Kansas tomorrow. Best friends, family, and grandma......and next week is thanksgiving (french friends here too) who's excited about pumpkin pie after a year w/o it?!?!
Oh! Heroes!! Who's excited Maja (whiney voice) is NOT COMING BACK after Christmas?! I am. However, I like Caitlin. I do think Peter needs a little action b/c he is the freakin super hero and all. They shouldn't take her away.
I also solved my book problem!! It was a very stressful situation and I was in the 5th Ave Barnes and Noble (not very big) for an hour trying to figure out what I was going to do. Three phone calls and a near trip to the cash register later, I decided I had dignity, and am NEVER going to buy a book where at any point in time Fabio could have been the cover boy. REFUSE. I've got sanity!!
If you made it this far I'm proud of you. Summary of post: FOB, Bryan Adams and Kansas. (c;
OK! Well, this starts off with my wake up this morning. I turned on the radio to get out of bed. I've recently switched from KRock (shocking, I know) to Fresh. That may have been because there were dirty lady commercials coming on K Rock at 2 am, and music on Fresh, but who knows.....OK, well, a very memorable song came on. (nantes girls this is for you) The one, the only, "Please Forgive Me." The immediate picture I got in my head was the lovely dance parties in Mattieu's room and Lou. And then that the song was not as dramatic as I had remembered. Which I love b/c Lou made it a great song to listen to! Anyways, that made me think of my blog I wrote very late last night and another common Nantes thing popped into my head. Translation!!! Translation!!
So, translation, for what, you ask? My previous post. I can check off a life accomplishment off my list. What would that be? A concert in Madison Square Garden. My roommate, Megan, and I went to see Cute is What We Aim For, Plain White T's, Gym Class Heroes, and my personal favorite reason for going to the show.....Fall Out Boy!!
So side note, the all time greatest song title EVER written.....also one of my fav FOB songs....
I Slept With Someone From Fall Out Boy and All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
OK, so its a great, long and pointless title that has nothing to do with the song. And a GREAT song!! "I found the cure for growing older/and you're the only place that feels like home/just so you know you'll never know/some secrets weren't meant to be told/I found the cure to growing older." Ah....I LOVE IT!! And they PLAYED IT!! Along with XO, and of course, Thanks for the Memories and Dance Dance. By the end of these two songs I had no voice and I'm sure the really cute guy around my age behind me was hurting my dancing was so bad. Oh, and earlier i the set....Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner acoustic....ahhhh.......
Then we chilled, took some photos at the garden and came home and watched Gossip Girl. I love this show by the way!! PS, I was gossip girl for Halloween.
OK, another topic. In case you didn't know, my mom rocks. She was always the only mom I ever knew that would buy me clothes, and they were the ones I would have picked out on my own. And now we finally got text capabilities on our phone (i know, we're late adapters) and she's been sending me "good morning" texts the past two mornings, which was awesome. Especially since I haven't been getting to bed before 2:00 and my neighbor plays piano at 7am.
Stellar week, and I'm going to Kansas tomorrow. Best friends, family, and grandma......and next week is thanksgiving (french friends here too) who's excited about pumpkin pie after a year w/o it?!?!
Oh! Heroes!! Who's excited Maja (whiney voice) is NOT COMING BACK after Christmas?! I am. However, I like Caitlin. I do think Peter needs a little action b/c he is the freakin super hero and all. They shouldn't take her away.
I also solved my book problem!! It was a very stressful situation and I was in the 5th Ave Barnes and Noble (not very big) for an hour trying to figure out what I was going to do. Three phone calls and a near trip to the cash register later, I decided I had dignity, and am NEVER going to buy a book where at any point in time Fabio could have been the cover boy. REFUSE. I've got sanity!!
If you made it this far I'm proud of you. Summary of post: FOB, Bryan Adams and Kansas. (c;
Yeah man
So what's better than S & B on a Wednesday night?
Well that would be Pete and Patrick and gang (-: WITH an encore of Thanks for the memories followed by Dance Dance. At THE Garden.
Well that would be Pete and Patrick and gang (-: WITH an encore of Thanks for the memories followed by Dance Dance. At THE Garden.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I need a book
So this summer, I stumbled upon The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I'd read Into the Wilderness series while I was in France. I kept hearing about this series, and one day just picked it up at the library. Seven books, 1000 pages, hard cover and HUGE. For a while, until Harry Potter came out, I'd finish a book in two weeks. And then in September, I finished the series.
And I need a new series. I'm in pain with out one. But this one was SSSOOO good, I have a high standard now. Claire and Jamie, I just don't think you can get better than that!! So I need books. Now. I got a library card, now I have to find an author. And it's NO FUN. I'm so picky. I need historical romance. But not smut romance, intelligent. OK. Back to my quest to find these series.
And I need a new series. I'm in pain with out one. But this one was SSSOOO good, I have a high standard now. Claire and Jamie, I just don't think you can get better than that!! So I need books. Now. I got a library card, now I have to find an author. And it's NO FUN. I'm so picky. I need historical romance. But not smut romance, intelligent. OK. Back to my quest to find these series.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Highlights of my weekend
1. Mike came
2. The lifesize blue whale at the Natural History Museum
3. My grandma called me today!
4. I can finally score some points in nertz
5. Eating lunch in Greenwich Village and getting to see man (who must have been intoxicated) poll dance with the no parking sign
6. Ohio State loosing
7. KU on national tv....i was excited to watch a loss......but anyways
8. 32 points and 24 rebounds in Michael Beasley's debut at KSU
9. I finally got Sexy Back on my IPod
10. Mail from my other grandma
11. My next weekend will be in my fav state
12. Fall Out Boy and my song of the summer (Thanks for the Memories) w/ my Roomie on Wed!!
and my quote of the weekend at the natural history museum: "Mike! I want to see a life size planet!!" (after we'd seen the life size blue whale....i would have preferred Saturn)
2. The lifesize blue whale at the Natural History Museum
3. My grandma called me today!
4. I can finally score some points in nertz
5. Eating lunch in Greenwich Village and getting to see man (who must have been intoxicated) poll dance with the no parking sign
6. Ohio State loosing
7. KU on national tv....i was excited to watch a loss......but anyways
8. 32 points and 24 rebounds in Michael Beasley's debut at KSU
9. I finally got Sexy Back on my IPod
10. Mail from my other grandma
11. My next weekend will be in my fav state
12. Fall Out Boy and my song of the summer (Thanks for the Memories) w/ my Roomie on Wed!!
and my quote of the weekend at the natural history museum: "Mike! I want to see a life size planet!!" (after we'd seen the life size blue whale....i would have preferred Saturn)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Top Five Songs of All Time
But first a only in New York story. So I was doing laundry. Btw, I was the only one not fluent in spanish in the joint. I got tired of waiting on my clothes to fully dry and settled with kinda dry. Anyways, I'm walking home and there is trash on the sidewalk ready to be collected. and BOOM! Big furry rats run across the side walk. I shriek, and one runs into the pole before it can continue running across the sidewalk. Not so coool.
Anyways. I was hanging up my damp clothes listening to KROK (you can only do that in nyc too) and the Foo Fighters "Best of You" came on. So inspired by my "let's play the piano at 7 am" neighbor and BLAST it. Honestly, if you don't blast that song, I'm wondering if you can't appreciate a little rock.
So anyways on to my top five songs of all time: (in no particular order)
1. Best of You -- Foo Fighters
2. Possession -- Sarah McLachlan
3. Hands Down -- Dashboard Confessional
4. Dance Dance -- Fall Out Boy (they're playing in the Garden next week!!!)
5. All the Stars and Boulevards -- Augustana
I guarantee you, if I'm on my own and one of these songs comes on, I'll start singing.
That being said. Yay for going to Kansas next weekend. Happy Tuesday. PS. Write some comments (; I'll take your top five fav songs.......
Anyways. I was hanging up my damp clothes listening to KROK (you can only do that in nyc too) and the Foo Fighters "Best of You" came on. So inspired by my "let's play the piano at 7 am" neighbor and BLAST it. Honestly, if you don't blast that song, I'm wondering if you can't appreciate a little rock.
So anyways on to my top five songs of all time: (in no particular order)
1. Best of You -- Foo Fighters
2. Possession -- Sarah McLachlan
3. Hands Down -- Dashboard Confessional
4. Dance Dance -- Fall Out Boy (they're playing in the Garden next week!!!)
5. All the Stars and Boulevards -- Augustana
I guarantee you, if I'm on my own and one of these songs comes on, I'll start singing.
That being said. Yay for going to Kansas next weekend. Happy Tuesday. PS. Write some comments (; I'll take your top five fav songs.......
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday evenings
So when I tell you I don't sing and dance, I lie. One of my favorite activities is on Sunday evenings, if no one is around, I LOVE to crank of the music and clean. And sing and dance to random tunes as the cleaning progresses. But you see, I make sure no one's around (c;
An afternoon in the city
So one of the things I've been meaning to do for a while is just spend a lot of time walking around the city. So this morning I finally went to church here. I went to one down by Columbia University. I used hopstop to figure out how to get here (hopstop = you put in where you are and where you need to go and it tells you how to get there by public transport). So of course I trust it and take the C train. So have to walk a ways and then I get to the park and have to walk up 200 stairs, I laugh. Because yesterday on the way to the K State watch party I had to walk clear across Central Park. But I went to church and it was 1/2 in Latin. Not so cool. But I am in NYC so I'l
l go somewhere else next week. Then I decided to go to buy myself some work pants and set downtown. Well, the 1 train isn't stopping where I need it to this weekend so I decided to walk the Upper West Side for fun. It was awesome. I stopped and had lunch. Then I walked, and it was clean, posh, not too many tourists and had an awesome Christmas store. So (go me!) I walked from 72nd and Broadway to 59th and Lexington. I passed the New York Marathon en route and a Russian Tea Room as well. And then I came home. And now I'm watch football b/c we got cable this weekend (c;
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