I'm not a fan. Of parts. Especially the money part. Ggggrrr......
But on another lighter topic, my favorite holiday candy is now in stores!! Sadly, no boy to give them to me, but I love the conversation hearts anyway!! I'm a personal fan of the pink and purple.
Well, earlier I was having such a good day I was going to list everything that's currently pissing me off about the real world. But I'm not going to. I'm going to stay focused. In a few months I should be really settled into life as a real world adult in New York. And these rough patches, I just have to survive. And keep breathing. The one thing I can tell you I truly hate about moving is the adjusting to new surroundings. It always takes me a really long time. However, I'm doing really well for not having the auto friend group always given to me in other situations (your floor mates in college, the group of people that for some reason, like you, decided to pick up and move to a foreign country, etc.).
On an up note, I have 10 people signed up to watch the K State KU party!!! Hopefully a few more will show up! I also get to babysit tomorrow. I miss kids. I loved teaching in France. Now I get to babysit (c;
Ah, one of these days, life'll get back to my nice routine. Thanks for reading. I know this isn't the most entertaining of posts!!
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PS- remember I'm always just a phone call away (c:
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